We live in a rose world. Yet, how would you describe the scent of a rose to someone who has never enjoyed the scent of a rose? Now, imagine you are in a non-rose world, to share with someone what a rose smells like in your rose world. How would you describe the scent of a rose, so that he or she would know? Now, how is it that we think we have correct ideas about the world of Spirit? Can we not see the wisdom, then, of those who have taught the way to know is to un-know? Can we not appreciate those who have taught humanity to be silent to know a Grace we can know only about, not know, with the mind? Can we not see the truly humble response to matters of the world of Spirit is, "I know, but I don't know"? There is a world of difference between these two knowings - one is the ignorant ramblings of those who parade their certainty about the Mystery, the other is that of the insightful ones who know they can know directly and in knowing directly cannot, and dare not, parade their ideas of Grace as other than a knowing by analogy, which is finally the blessed ignorance taught by the wise ones through the ages. You cannot convince the prideful knowers about of their ignorance, but blessed are those humble who have so seen that they know their ignorance for they know - or, rather, they know Grace in Grace showing Itself to them in a ceaseless, timeless act of quiet, intimate revelation. This we could call the Song of Love.